Centre Savoirs partagés

Research for better care

The Montreal Sacré-Cœur Hospital is a supra-regional hospital centre that has its own research centre. The research teams of the Centre for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine (CARSM), the Jean-Jacques-Gauthier Cardio-Respiratory Rehabilitation Centre, the Integrated Trauma Centre and the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre are also part of the centre.


The Centre Savoirs partagés


The research conducted in the various CIUSSS NÎM facilities, including the work carried out at the Montreal Sacré-Cœur Hospital Research Centre, is grouped under the name Centre Savoirs partagés.

The Centre promotes the excellence of its researchers at the national and international levels by focusing on close collaboration between all the players in the clinical, social and basic science research fields.

Areas of research excellence

The research activities of the Centre Savoirs partagés have been grouped around four areas of expertise.

  • Trauma and critical care
  • Brain in action
  • Health promotion, prevention and management of chronic diseases
  • Social innovation

The work conducted by the first three divisions is carried out by Sacré-Cœur research groups. These areas of excellence have been recognized by the awarding of 20 research chairs.



Le CÉAMS pour étudier les problèmes de sommeil

Sacré-Cœur's Centre for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine (CARSM) houses a clinic and a research group composed of 6 physicians, 17 researchers, 60 employees and over 50 graduate students.

The mission of this centre is to generate new knowledge about sleep and to understand, diagnose, treat and prevent sleep disorders.

Each year, the CARSM clinic sees more than 2,500 patients for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, hypersomnia, narcolepsy, REM sleep behaviour disorder and sleepwalking.

Patients are referred from all over the country, and even from Europe and the United States. It is also a major international centre for sleep research.

The CARSM team is also the custodian of the Canadian Biobank for Sleep Research, which contains 40,000 patient blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid samples. In addition, there is an entire informatics infrastructure containing the clinical data collected from these same patients who have given their consent to have their samples stored.

Sacré-Cœur has a true gem. Julie Carrier, researcher and professor in the Department of Psychology at the Université de Montréal, is the Biobank's scientific director.



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The Jean-Jacques Gauthier Centre, specialized in rehabilitation

The Centre Jean-Jacques Gauthier (CJJG) has been the cradle of many research projects in cardio-respiratory rehabilitation since it opened in 2010.

More than a dozen researchers, health professionals and students are involved in projects in fields such as kinesiology, psychology, nutrition, cardiology, pneumology and public health.

It is a true laboratory for innovative approaches, especially for people living with one or more chronic diseases.


Research at the core of ITC

The Integrated Trauma Centre (ITC), the only one of its kind in Canada, fosters the development and success of research in trauma and acute care.

It brings together state-of-the-art clinical services and facilities, teaching spaces and research laboratories in a single shared space, fostering the proliferation of ideas and synergy between these missions: clinical (care), research and teaching.

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MBMC and the ICARE study

The Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre (MBMC) was founded in 2006 by researchers Simon Bacon and Kim Lavoie. It is dedicated to research and training in the fields of behavioural medicine (including clinical trials and epidemiology) and psychophysiology.

The international ICARE study, related to the COVID-19 pandemic, is one of the most important research projects initiated and conducted by the MBMC.