Annual Fundraising Campaign

Sacré-Coeur Hospital is a living environment where practice, research, knowledge, innovation, sharing and passion come together! The excellence and expertise of the teams in many spheres are undeniable. Its status as a university hospital center makes an exceptional contribution to improving the treatment and care offered to patients.


Our hospital in the spotlight ! 

De garde 24/7 is a docu-series that highlights the daily lives of our caring experts. The 9th
and 10th seasons of this series, presented in fall 2023 and this fall on Télé-Québec,
have made it possible to introduce exceptional people who practice medicine with
passion. The episodes filmed within the walls of Sacré-Cœur produced quality content
and won over fans of this type of series. Passionate about medicine and devoted to their
patients, they represent approximately 450 doctors and 1,030 nurses who are part of
this large family that is Sacré-Coeur Hospital, which has nearly 4,400 employees.

Find the profiles of our dear protagonists below.  ↓


Thank you to the doctors, researchers and the healthcare teams at Sacré-Coeur for their passion, dedication and the self-sacrifice they demonstrate every day. Know that your donations are a concrete way of expressing your gratitude to them and help them accomplish miracles.

In our most recent Liaison newsletter 

Read this interview between Dr. Marie-Michelle Robert, emergency physician which we can see in the docu-series De garde 24/7 and Mrs. Lise Bissonnette, former director of the daily Le Devoir and founder of the Great Library of Quebec.  A plesant meeting between the two!



The future looks promising with the realisation of projects aimed at offering a stimulating care environment, cutting-edge equipment so that experts can better diagnose and treat patients and above all, the innovative research work that is underway. Although we have already come a long way, the journey is not over. Together we can accomplish so much more. Every gesture counts.  


Here are the profiles of the protagonists of the docu-series                  De garde 24/7 ! 

Texts from Avanti-Toast, Production Company

Dr Patrick Bellemare, Respiratory and Critical Care Physician
Respiratory and critical care specialist, he has been practicing for almost 25 years. His long track record gives him confidence and great technical knowledge. But beyond medical procedures, he is convinced that an attentive ear can make a big difference in his patients' journey. Dr. Bellemare knows how to listen and support patients and their families with great sense of empathy and humanity. Judging by confidence and shy smiles patients give him, it is mission accomplished. 

Dr Étienne Bourassa-Moreau, Spinal Orthopaedic Surgeon
Don't let his cool dude demeanor fool you, Dr. Étienne Bourassa-Moreau is a leading authority in his field of expertise of spinal surgery. This enthusiast is well aware of the issues inherent to his practice and in his eyes, the spinal cord is a sacred tissue. Diligent and impassive in the OR, he is concerned and attentive to the concerns of his patients during clinical consultations. In either situation, we witnessed a great relationship based on trust. 


Dr. Julie Anne Buckland, Family Medicine and Obstetrics
Dr. Julie Anne Buckland divides her time between the family medicine clinic and the maternity unit where her on-call shifts are 24 hours. Her practice is mostly oriented towards women's health and it is imporant for her to deliver her patient's when the time comes. Being there for her patients at all times of their lives is what motivates and touches the reliable and honest woman that is Dr. Buckland.

Dr. Véronique Castonguay, Emergency Physician
Dr. Castonguay is inlove with her unpredictable daily life of emergency medicine. She takes care of the first initial discussions with each patient, which will be decisive for the future. The challenge of creating a bond in this intense and brief moment is gratifying knowing that confidence has been established between her and her patient. Trauma fascinates her. For her, the possibility of making a difference within the first actions she takes gives full meaning to her practice. 

Dr Alexis Cournoyer, Emergency Physician
Impossible to deny it, Dr. Alexis Cournoyer is probably part of this new generation of high-performance emergency doctors who fuel themselves on adrenaline. What does he appreciate above all ? Unpredictability. He is constantly trying to get out of his comfort zone. Doubt and uncertainty are his allies. Obviously Dr. Cournoyer is not made for routine.

Dr Adam Di Palma, General Surgeon and Trauma
We can say that Dr. Di Palma is not idle : he is a general surgeon specializing in bariatric surgery and traumatology. He runs from one room to another, he goes through shifts, weeks of acute care, days of elective surgeries and days in the clinic. All this without losing his smile ! Whether it's a collegue who wants to talk to him about a particular case, a worried family who asks questions or a surgery that takes longer than expected, Dr. Di Palma gives it his all.


Dr. Danielle Grandmont, Palliative Care Physician

Since 2011, Dr. Danielle Grandmont has devoted herself exclusively to the practice of palliative care in hospitals. Her caring outlook and exceptional listening skills make her a perfect person to guide patients through this final stage. Her objective ? Helping patients move forward and live comfortably at the end of their lives. Dr. Grandmont's practice certainly brings light to times that most fear and dread. She knows how to find the words that will make this significant stage of life, calmer for those who leave and more serene for those who stay.

Dr Kevin Jao, Hemato-Oncologist
Dr. Kevin Jao rarely puts aside his big smile and his good humor, despite the seriousness of his practice as a hemato-oncologist., specializing in lung cancer. In the clinic or on the floors, he takes the time to listen to his patients and support them with great gentleness and compassion. He makes a real difference in their daily lives both through the treatments he offers them and the human connections he takes the time to build with them.


Dr Éric Lalonde, Emergency Physician
In addition to being an excellent emergency doctor, Dr. Éric Lalonde is also the collegue you turn to in case of doubt. His phlegmatic attitude, his poise and his constancy make him a doctor with a quiet strength, who likes to manage risk and who navigates the unexpected with ease. He compares his trauma figures to athletes' performances, he is trained to act quickly, to take the right actions that will make a difference in the patient's care trajectory.


Dre Soazig Le Guillan, Surgeon and Intensive Care Physician
D’un bout à l’autre de l’hôpital, sa réputation la précède. La Dre Soazig Le Guillan est une femme de tête, instinctive et fonceuse, qui aime s’entourer et pratiquer en équipe. Sa personnalité charismatique et sa bienveillance envers les équipes lui valent la sympathie de tous. Elle est la seule chirurgienne et intensiviste de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur. Quand elle n’est pas aux soins intensifs, elle est au bloc opératoire et inversement. Pour cette hyperactive, chaque minute de son temps est dédiée à soigner.

Dre Marie-Michelle Robert, médecin d’urgence
Pour Dre Robert, la médecine d’urgence ce n’est pas seulement une pratique médicale, c’est aussi une relation d’aide. Cette hypersensible prend chaque cas dans son entièreté afin que le patient puisse retourner à la maison dans les meilleures conditions possible. Écouter, prendre le temps, créer un lien avec le patient, Dre Robert ne sait pas faire autrement que d’être authentique et empathique. Et c’est ce qui donne tout son sens à sa pratique.


Dr Mathieu Rousseau, chirurgien thoracique et traumatologue
Dr Rousseau carbure aux mille et un projets, il faut que ça bouge pour ce chirurgien thoracique et traumatologue. Il aime l’intensité de la dimension humaine qui est omniprésente dans sa pratique, que ce soit un trauma où il faut agir vite quand la vie bascule brusquement, à des patients qu’il suit au long terme pour des cancers. Pour lui, soigner un patient, c’est un contrat moral et rien n’est plus satisfaisant à la fin de la journée que d’honorer la confiance de ses patients.


Valérie Turcotte, infirmière praticienne spécialisée
Mme Valérie Turcotte est une femme déterminée qui ne recule devant aucun défi. Elle a été la première Infirmière praticienne spécialisée (IPS) en traumatologie au Québec. Elle aborde chaque cas dans sa globalité ; les enjeux médicaux comme le contexte social et psychologique du patient. Au-delà du regard médical, ce qu’elle aime, c’est soigner pas seulement avec la science, mais avec son cœur.

 To see (or rewatch!) the series : visit the website of Télé-Québec




Thank you!

Anonymous | $100.00
Anonymous | $100.00
Anonymous | $35.00
Mr. Alain Prévost | $100.00